الخميس، ٢٦ أغسطس ٢٠١٠

نهاية العالم 2012

تحدثنا أول أمس عن شائعة نهاية العالم في عام 2012 من خلال استعراض الأدلة التي تؤيد هذه النظرية. ليس بغرض الترويج لها بكل تأكيد، ولكن بغرض تفنيدها وتوضيحها لفهم أسباب انتشارها واقتناع الكثيرين بها. وسنستكمل نقاشنا اليوم بالرد على كل النقاط المحيرة التي تعرضنا لها المرة الماضية، وأشكر كل من شارك بإثراء الحوار.
قبل أن نبدأ، ومن خلال ملاحظتي لبعض مشاركاتكم، علينا أن نميز بين “نهاية العالم” بمفهوم يوم القيامة، و”نهاية العالم” بمفهوم حدوث كارثة طبيعية “تُنهي” العالم الذي نعرفه بمدنه وعلمه وإنجازاته وآثاره. فإن كان المقصود هو نهاية العالم بمفهوم يوم القيامة، فكما وضحت في مقدمة الموضوع السابق: يقول الله -سبحانه وتعالى- في سورة محمد -الآية 18- “فهل ينظرون إلا الساعة أن تأتيهم بغتة فقد جاء أشراطها“، ويقول كذلك في سورة الأعراف -الآية 187- “لا تأتيكم إلا بغتة يسألونك كأنك حفي عنها قل إنما علمها عند الله ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون“، لذا ففكرة معرفتنا المسبقة بموعد يوم القيامة غير مقبولة شكلاً وموضوعاً بصريح نص القرآن الكريم، وكل ما نتحدث عنه هنا هو فكرة حدوث كارثة مدمرة تقضي على الحضارة التي نعرفها.
وبقي أن أشير قبل أن أبدأ (وكما وضحت أيضاً في مقدمة الموضوع السابق) أن هذه الشائعة انتشرت بصورة كبيرة جداً وانخدع بها الكثيرون، لدرجة أن هيئات علمية ضخمة ومحترمة مثل ناسا قامت بالرد عليها بشكل الرسمي، وكذلك فعل الكثير من العلماء الكبار حول العالم، فهل من المعقول أن نستكبر نحن عن الرد ونعتبرها مجرد شائعة تافهة بينما تنتشر حولنا في كل مكان؟
هذا الموضوع والموضوع السابق يهدف لتوضيح الصورة كاملةً أمامكم لنشر الفائدة ومواجهة الشائعة، ولذا لنبدأ بالسؤال التالي:

كانت الحضارة السومرية واحدة من أعظم حضارات بلاد ما بين النهرين، فما الذي يجعلنا نفترض أنها مخطئة بذكر الكوكب نيبيرو؟

إذا عدنا لأصل الشائعة، سنجد أن الوحيد الذي ذكر هذه المعلومة وروج لها هو كاتب الخيال العلمي زيشاريا زيستيشن Zecharia Sitchin من خلال رواياته المتعددة (خاصةً كتاب “الكوكب الثاني عشر” الذي نُشر في 1976)، حين قال أنه عثر على معلومات ترجمها من وثائق سومرية تتحدث عن هذا الكوكب وهذه الأسطورة بالشكل الذي شاهدناه المرة الماضية، ولكن هذه المعلومات من أساسها غير صحيحة بالمرة!
حيث أنكر هذه المعلومة كل الباحثين والمؤرخين الذين بحثوا في تاريخ الحضارة السومرية!! ولم يشاهد أحد هذه المعلومات سوى زيشاريا زيستيشن!
أضف إلى ذلك نقطة هامة جداً وهي أنه على الرغم من عظمة الحضارة السومرية، إلا أن تطورها كان في الزراعة والعمران والكتابة، بينما لم يكن لهم بالمقابل أي إنجاز يذكر في مجال الفلك، فمن أين لهم أن يصلوا إلى هكذا معلومة!!
ثم أضف إلى ذلك كله أن تلك الأسطورة (كما ذكرها الكاتب وكما أيدته فيها الروحانية نانسي ليدر) كان من المفترض أن تحدث في العام 2003، وعندما لم يحدث شيء تم تأجيلها للعام 2012! ولذا يبدو أنهم سيضطرون لتأجيلها إلى عام آخر أيضاً!

لكن حتى إن كان هذا الكلام صحيحاً، ولم تكن معلومة الحضارة السومرية صحيحة، أليس تقويم المايا الذي ينتهي في 2012 هو حقيقة مثبتة؟ وألم يكن شعب المايا بارعاً في الرياضيات والفلك ؟!!

نعم بالفعل تقويم المايا حقيقة، وبالفعل أيضاً ينتهي هذا التقويم في 21-12-2012، ولكن من قال أن انتهاء تقويم المايا يعني انتهاء العالم أو حدوث كارثة؟!
ولأقرب لكم الصورة أكثر، ماذا يحدث حين ينتهي التقويم الذي تعلقه على الحائط؟
تقلب الصفحة ليبدأ تقويم عام جديد بكل بساطة ولا تحدث أية كوراث! وهذا ما يحدث لتقويم المايا أيضاً. بمجرد انتهاء الدورة الزمنية المعتادة للمايا تبدأ دورة زمنية جديدة (مثل العام الجديد)، ولا يوجد في آثار المايا أي شيء يدل على حدوث كارثة عند انتهاء ذلك التاريخ أبداً!

لكن ألم تؤكد ناسا بالفعل اكتشاف كوكب غامض في العام 1983، فلماذا تنكر أنه الكوكب نيبيرو؟

لأن ما تم اكتشافه في أوائل الثمانينات كان بواسطة قمر صناعي تابع لناسا يصور باستخدام الأشعة تحت الحمراء ويحمل اسم IRAS، وتأكد العلماء بعد تحليل البيانات القادمة من القمر الصناعي أنها مجرد آثار لمجرات بعيدة، ولم يكن كوكباً على الإطلاق وتم نفي هذه الشائعة رسمياً حينها!

إن كانت تلك المعلومات غير صحيحة، ماذا عن الكوكب إيريس الذي ظهر في العام 2003؟ ألم تؤكد ناسا وجوده؟ لماذا تخفي أخباره الآن؟

ناسا لا تخفي أخبار الكوكب إيريس! كوكب إيريس هو كوكب قزم تم اكتشافه في العام 2003، وكلمة “قزم” تعني أنه ليس كوكباً كاملاً، لكنه جرم سماوي يدور حول الشمس ولكنه من الصغر بحيث أنه ليس له جاذبية تذكر على الكوكيبات التي حوله (مثل الكوكب بلوتو الذي تم طرده من قائمة كواكب المجموعة الشمسية!).
ولذا فهذا الكوكب ليس من الأهمية التي تستعدي أن تتتبع ناسا أخباره، خاصةً أن أقرب مسافة يمكن أن يصل إليها هذا الكوكب عن الأرض هي 4 مليار ميل!!
ويمكنكم معرفة المزيد عنه من هنا: إيريس-ويكيبيديا
ويمكنكم معرفة المزيد عن الكواكب القزمة من هنا: الكواكب القزمة-ويكيبيديا

وماذا عن التقرير الذي ذكرت فيه ناسا أن الأرض ستتعرض لعاصفة شمسية قوية ستسبب خسائر بالمليارات. ألن يؤدي ذلك إلى دمار الأرض؟

نعم هذا الخبر صحيح لكن لن يؤدي لدمار الأرض، لأن الاقتراب الشمسي هو ظاهرة طبيعية تحدث كل 11 سنة، وحدثت قبل ذلك في عام 2001 وتسببت في قطع بعض الاتصالات والتسبب في خسائر كذلك ولكن الحياة استمرت بشكل طبيعي بعدها، فلماذا نتوقع أن 2012 سيكون مختلفاً عن 2001؟!!
الخطر سيكون موجوداً بشكل ملفت على رواد الفضاء خارج غلاف كوكب الأرض الذي يحمينا، لكن بالنسبة لنا لا يوجد أي خطر كبير، وكل ما سيحدث هو انقطاع الاتصالات اللاسلكية وتأثر بعض الأقمار الصناعية الغير محمية من هذه الإشعاعات. فضلاً عن احتمال انقطاع الكهرباء في بعض المناطق في حالات نادرة.

وماذا عن تلك الصورة التي انتشرت على شبكة الإنترنت؟


ألا تظهر بالفعل جسماً مجهولاً قريباً من الشمس؟ وألا يتفق ذلك مع نظرية اختفاء الكوكب المجهول خلف الشمس؟

هذا الادعاء غير صحيح بالمرة لأن الجزء المضيء من الصورة هو تأثير يسمى توهج أو لمعان الإضاءة lens flare ، وهو تأثير شائع يحدث عند تصوير ضوء ساطع مواجه للكاميرا مثل الشمس (كما في الصورة).
وليس من المنطقي وجود جسم بهذا الحجم وهذا الوضوح بجانب الشمس بينما لا نستطيع التقاطه على الأرض بأي وسيلة!

لكن ما هو سبب إخفاء المنطقة التي توجد في الإحداثيات (5h 53m 27s”) من خريطة برنامج Google Earth وكل برامج خرائط السماء الأخرى؟ ألا يدل ذلك على وجود مؤامرة لإخفاء شيء ما في هذا المكان؟

المنطقة غير ظاهرة في كل برامج خرائط السماء لأن مصدرها واحد وهو Sloan Digital Survey، وما حدث هو وجود خطأ في برنامج معالجة الصور الذي قام بدمج الصور التي قام الماسح بجمعها. ولا يوجد هذا الخطأ هنا فقط، بل توجد عدة مناطق في السماء بهذا الشكل مثل الصورة في الأعلى للإحداثيات (13h 48m 0s)، فلماذا نفترض أن هذا المكان بالذات هو مكان اختباء الكوكب المزعوم؟!
وحتى إن كان هذا المكان مكان إخفاء شيء ما، فهل تكون الطريقة هي وضع مربع أسود يلفت الانتباه؟!
ثم أضف إلى ذلك أنه يمكن مشاهدة هذه المنطقة باستخدام التلسكوبات في أي مكان في العالم، فهل سيكون من المنطقي إخفاؤها في برنامج مثل Google Earth بينما يمكن لأي شخص يعمل في مجال علم الفلك مشاهدتها من أي مكان في العالم؟!!
ويبقى سؤال هام لكل من يدعون وجود مؤامرة حكومية لإخفاء هذه الحقيقة:

إذا كانت الحكومات قد أخفت هذه المعلومة فهل تستطيع إخفاء السماء كلها؟

كوكب بهذا الحجم وهذا القرب يجب أن يكون في مدى رؤيتنا الآن بالعين المجرد، وليس حتى بالتلسكوبات، فهل استطاعوا إخفاء الكوكب في السماء؟!!
وبهذا السؤال نكون قد ألقينا الضوء على أهم الأسئلة الشائعة التي انتشرت على شبكة الإنترنت وفي بعض وسائل الإعلام عن شائعة نهاية العالم في عام 2012.

أول هاتف يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية من سامسونج

بعد طول انتظار، قامت شركة سامسونج بالدخول إلى نادي الشركات المحافظة على البيئة بهاتفها الجديد Blue Earth الذي يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية.
الهاتف الجديد مصنوع من زجاجات مياه معدنية معاد تصنيعها، ويحوي خلايا للطاقة الشمسية في الجزء الخلفي منه، وتقول الشركة أن التكنولوجيا التي تستخدمها في هذا الهاتف عملية وكافية لجعلك تستطيع عمل مكالمة في أي وقت وفي أي مكان.
ولم تتوقف غرابة هذا المنتج هنا، بل يحوي أيضا على خاصية الـ Eco Function وهي برنامج يقوم بعد خطوات المستخدم من خلال مجس pedometer (عدّاد الخُطى) ليحسب منها كمية ثاني أكسيد الكربون التي قمت بتوفيرها بمشيك بدلا من ركوب السيارة.
ستكون هذه الفكرة رائعة جدا للأشخاص الذين تضطرهم ظروف عملهم للبقاء فترة طويلة في الخارج بعيدا عن أي مصدر شحن مثل الصيادين والرياضيين والذين يقيمون في معسكرات.
لا توجد حتى الآن أي معلومات عن سعره ولكنه سيكون متوفرا في النصف الثاني من هذا العام.

اشحن هاتفك الجوال بقدمك

هل قررت أن تقضي عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في الخارج واكتشفت فجأة أنك نسيت شحن هاتفك الجوال؟
تحدث معنا كثيراً هذه المشكلة ولذا قامت شركة Glastonbury بعمل حل طريف لهذه المشكلة بابتكار شاحن على شكل منفاخ يعمل بالقدم! وهذا الشاحن يصلح لجميع أنواع الهواتف الجوالة ويمكن شحن الهاتف لعمل مكالمة تصل لخمسة دقائق بنفخ الهاتـ.. أقصد الجهاز لنفس الفترة التي تنفخ بها وسادة!
وبما أن الجهاز تم تصميمه ليعمل في الخارج فقد حرصت الشركة على جعل حجمه مناسباً ليتم وضعه في حقيبة الظهر دون أن يشكل عبئاً زائداً، حيث تبلغ أبعاده 15.4 سم في 12.9 سم بارتفاع 4.7 سم.
وللمزيد من الصور:

لا داعي لشحن هاتفك النقال.. فقط إروي عطشه بمشروب غازي !!

نعم هذا صحيح فكل ما تحتاجه ليعمل هاتفك هو علبة مشروبات غازية!:
ليست فكاهة بل هي ابتكار حقيقي للمصمم الصيني دايزي تشنج ذو الـ24 عاماً الذي قدم هذا الابتكار لشركة نوكيا عملاقة صناعة الهواتف الجوالة كنموذج لهاتف يعمل بطاقة نظيفة.
فالمشكلة من وجهة نظر تشنغ تكمن في أن البطاريات مكلفة ويصعب التخلص منها دون تلويث البيئة، فضلاً عن أن صناعتها في حد ذاتها تحتاج إلى مواد باهظة ومكلفة، لذا لماذا لا نعتمد على المواد السكرية في تزويد الهاتف بالطاقة دون الحاجه لبطارية؟!!
تبدو فكرة مجنونة لكن تشنغ نجح في تنفيذها بالفعل من خلال الاعتماد على الإنزيمات التي تقوم بتحويل السكريات في المشروبات الغازية إلى طاقة كهربية يتم استغلالها لتشغيل الهاتف!!

المثير في هذه الفكرة هو أن ناتجها بعد انتهاء البطارية هو ماء وأكسجين لذا لن تكون هذه البطاريات العجيبة مصدراً لتلويث البيئة بعد انتهاء استخدامها!
والغريب أن فاعلية هذه البطارية عند شحنها (أقصد عند ملئها) تدوم أربعة مرات أطول من بطاريات الليثيوم التي نستخدمها هذه الأيام!
تبدو فكرة مجنونة ولا أظن نوكيا تأخذ تطبيقها بشكل جدي، لكن فكرة الاعتماد على مواد سكرية في الأدوات التي نستخدمها في حياتنا اليومية تبدو فكرة مثيرة جداً وتحتاج لنظرة مُختلفة، خاصةً حين نجد أنفسنا أمام مشكلة الاحتباس الحراري وتلوث البيئة ونفاذ مصادر الطاقة غير المتجددة إن عاجلاً أو آجلاً.

10 things to do once you start a blog on Blogger

1. Write a description for the blog.

Go to the Settings tab and in the "Basic" option you will find the text field in which you can put the description. This is useful for newcomers and it might be helpful for search engines too.

Dashboard → Settings → Basic

2. Get a nice template.

There are many websites with Blogger Templates (as a matter of fact this is one) in which you can find a great variety of designs.

Do not base your decision only on the graphic side (headers, buttons, icons, etc) but also in the structure (number of columns, accessibility, etc) and remember always to read the instructions for each template because usually they are important in order to get the right visualization of it.

3. Buy a domain and use it with your blog.

I’ve always said that a domain has to be the blogger’s first investment and by less than 10 dollars you can have a proper name with a lot of advantages, this is heavily advisable. Have a look on adding your own domain on Blogger.

Dashboard → Settings → Publishing

4. Change your blog’s feed for a Feedburner one.

Feedburner is a Google service that allows you to have stats of how many people read you via this method. From the Blogger’s Control Panel it is possible to add feedburner to your blog.

Dashboard → Settings → Site Feed


5. Correct the comment link.

A little detail that improves your blog’s accessibility. To correct the comment check it has to be done by hand.

6. Change the images of your template to a new host.

Many templates have their images hosted on free services which limit the traffic to them (bandwidth) which makes it possible to sometimes none of the images load properly. Hosting them on Blogger seems like the best option.

7. Add the basic gadgets on your sidebar.

In the "Layout" tab select "Page elements" it is possible to add gadgets. the most basic of them are: Labels, Blog Archive (list mode) and Subscription Links.

8. Embed the comment form in the entries’ individual page.

As this feature is still on test phase it is necessary to do it by hand in customized templates or automatically in Blogger’s default templates.

Dashboard → Settings → Comments


9. Add your stats-tracking code.

It doesn’t matter if you use whether Google Analytics, SiteMeter or any other stats system, the important thing is to add their tracking code before the </body> that is in the "Layout" tab, "Edit HTML" option, almost at the end of the code.

Dashboard → Layout → Edit HTML

10. Add Google Tools to your blog.

The Google Tools allow you to keep track of your search stats and errors related to your site. Its use is really intuitive and free.

After doing all this your blog will be a more effective tool, you’ll have more control about your stats, it’ll look better, it will have better negotiations with the search engines but on top of that, it will be a better space for your visitors.

الثلاثاء، ٢٤ أغسطس ٢٠١٠

Email Security

E-mail has become an essential mode of communication in the modern world. Unfortunately, that means it's also one of the most common routes for virus infection and fraud. Protecting yourself from these kinds of threats is necessary for everyone.


Viruses often arrive in the form of e-mail attachments, so exercise care when opening any attachment - even from a known source. Some viruses infiltrate address books and send infected e-mail to everyone listed, so it's possible to receive a virus from a friend or colleague. Ideally, you should communicate beforehand to expect an attachment.

The best protection against e-mail viruses is virus protection software that automatically scans each attachment as it arrives at your computer. Every computer connected to the Internet should have antivirus software, to protect your own system and the Internet as a whole. Some viruses start on an individual system but spread to entire networks, engulfing the equipment essential to run the Internet.


Frauds are another security risk posed by e-mail. One type, called 'phishing', tries to trick the recipient into disclosing personal financial information or passwords. These e-mails use logos of well-known institutions like banks or online retailers and ask you to update your password or financial information.

They provide a link which looks legitimate but in reality directs you to a phony web site. Providing personal information leads to becoming the victim of credit card fraud or theft - sometimes called 'identity theft'.

Tipoffs can be gleaned from the subject line or the content. Rather than using your personal name, they may say 'Dear valued customer'. But finding some variant of your name isn't difficult these days. Beware, in either case.

A more subtle tipoff is a link which doesn't correspond to the text describing it. This can be verified by checking the status bar when you highlight the link. If the text says something like "Microsoft", but the URL is "www.somebadplace.com" you know the message is not from the folks in Redmond, Washington.

Specialized software can detect phishing, though it hasn't reached maturity - it often identifies legitimate e-mail as fraud. Always treat requests for passwords or credit card numbers with suspicion. Remember, no legitimate financial institution will ask you to verify your password or sensitive data in an e-mail.

E-mail Backups

Like any other kind of data, e-mail can (and should) be backed up. It's easy to do with most e-mail programs - simply export the messages to a folder, then backup the folder with a backup program onto a removable disk, writeable CD or DVD or other media.

Specialized backup software can be purchased at modest cost to backup e-mails directly, eliminating the export step.

Backup programs can usually be automated to occur at a convenient time without requiring further intervention. Granted, configuring them is one more thing to do in a busy schedule. But the first time you lose one that's badly needed, you'll be much busier trying to replace it if it wasn't backed up.

Google Adsense

If your goal is to earn money from Google Adsense through content or article directories, you're better off setting your sights elsewhere. Directories are not high performers when it comes to Google Adsense ads and if you expect a good stream of income from these, you're bound to get disappointed. However, there are other things that you can expect from creating directories and if you look closely, they could be your ticket to finding a good source of revenue.

What Directories Can Offer You

Online directories are repositories of Web content; usually articles, write-ups, news, video and audio clips or links to other websites. They can be part of a group of sites found on a larger host site or they can be independent. People go to these sites either to submit content and links or to find them.

Directories Are Beneficial In Several Ways:

They Bring In Traffic.

If you understand how, traffic can be used to bring in revenues through your directory. Once you set this up, visitors come to pay you a visit like writers and site owners who want to submit their articles and webmasters who wish to submit links to their websites. Traffic can be a good source of either cash (if and when you charge for links to your website) and lists for your Internet marketing efforts.

They Can Get You Paid Directly.

Again, charging for links will help you monetize your directory. But this can only be done if your site has already built a reputation, is generally popular or at least has a niche following and enjoys a high volume traffic. You can also charge for links if your directory is enjoying a high PageRank. Your directory's popularity will mutually benefit other sites because it places them in quality company.

Directories Provide Reciprocal Links.

Reciprocal links are simply links that point back to your website. A high ranking directory can do this. More links mean more traffic and better relevancy for your directory.

Creating Directories

You could create a basic directory using good old HTML or you could make it easier on yourself by using applications such as Wordpad, Dreamweaver and FrontPage. If you're computer savvy and know your way around scripts, you can use those instead and simply build a MySQL database. If you want a cheaper way to do it, check out directory scripts being offered for free online.

Determine Your Subject Matter.

What is your goal in putting up a directory? Make this clear from the get-go. This will help you design a well-organized website. You should also decide at this point on the type of subjects you want to include on your directory. It's a good idea to offer a variety of subjects. Try popular subjects such as finance, credit, gaming, travel, Internet marketing and the like.

You could also take one general subject and then offer to post content that are related to it. Instead of attracting a general-interest audience, you can cater to a niche market instead. You could build a strong following this way.

Provide Original Content.

Content found in your directory will be contributed from multiple sites. It's highly possible that those articles will appear in other directories as well. As such, you probably can't claim to have original material on your website. Since original content has a higher value for page ranking, try to produce original content on a regular basis. Write your own articles or pay for unique content. You can also try to do research on high-value content and then produce materials with those subjects.

Check Your Webhost For Compatibility.

Creating a directory means you will be offering it from a hosted page so it's a good idea to ask your webhost if it can efficiently run your website. Get a hosting account with a provider that offers you sufficient disk space and plenty of support. To give you an idea of what you will be looking at, let's take a look at hosts such as Hostgator.com. They charge a monthly fee of about $7 in exchange for an account with 50GB of disk space. For $10 a month, you can increase that capacity to 100GB. There are several other host providers that can offer you similar services. Simply look them up online to compare which one will give you the best service.

Directories That Will Attract Traffic And Raise Your Page Ranking

If your goal is to earn money from Google Adsense through content or article directories, you're better off setting your sights elsewhere. Directories are not high performers when it comes to Google Adsense ads and if you expect a good stream of income from these, you're bound to get disappointed. However, there are other things that you can expect from creating directories and if you look closely, they could be your ticket to finding a good source of revenue.

What Directories Can Offer You

Online directories are repositories of Web content; usually articles, write-ups, news, video and audio clips or links to other websites. They can be part of a group of sites found on a larger host site or they can be independent. People go to these sites either to submit content and links or to find them.

Directories Are Beneficial In Several Ways:

They Bring In Traffic.

If you understand how, traffic can be used to bring in revenues through your directory. Once you set this up, visitors come to pay you a visit like writers and site owners who want to submit their articles and webmasters who wish to submit links to their websites. Traffic can be a good source of either cash (if and when you charge for links to your website) and lists for your Internet marketing efforts.

They Can Get You Paid Directly.

Again, charging for links will help you monetize your directory. But this can only be done if your site has already built a reputation, is generally popular or at least has a niche following and enjoys a high volume traffic. You can also charge for links if your directory is enjoying a high PageRank. Your directory's popularity will mutually benefit other sites because it places them in quality company.

Directories Provide Reciprocal Links.

Reciprocal links are simply links that point back to your website. A high ranking directory can do this. More links mean more traffic and better relevancy for your directory.

Creating Directories

You could create a basic directory using good old HTML or you could make it easier on yourself by using applications such as Wordpad, Dreamweaver and FrontPage. If you're computer savvy and know your way around scripts, you can use those instead and simply build a MySQL database. If you want a cheaper way to do it, check out directory scripts being offered for free online.

Determine Your Subject Matter.

What is your goal in putting up a directory? Make this clear from the get-go. This will help you design a well-organized website. You should also decide at this point on the type of subjects you want to include on your directory. It's a good idea to offer a variety of subjects. Try popular subjects such as finance, credit, gaming, travel, Internet marketing and the like.

You could also take one general subject and then offer to post content that are related to it. Instead of attracting a general-interest audience, you can cater to a niche market instead. You could build a strong following this way.

Provide Original Content.

Content found in your directory will be contributed from multiple sites. It's highly possible that those articles will appear in other directories as well. As such, you probably can't claim to have original material on your website. Since original content has a higher value for page ranking, try to produce original content on a regular basis. Write your own articles or pay for unique content. You can also try to do research on high-value content and then produce materials with those subjects.

Check Your Webhost For Compatibility.

Creating a directory means you will be offering it from a hosted page so it's a good idea to ask your webhost if it can efficiently run your website. Get a hosting account with a provider that offers you sufficient disk space and plenty of support. To give you an idea of what you will be looking at, let's take a look at hosts such as Hostgator.com. They charge a monthly fee of about $7 in exchange for an account with 50GB of disk space. For $10 a month, you can increase that capacity to 100GB. There are several other host providers that can offer you similar services. Simply look them up online to compare which one will give you the best service.

Make Money Online

Internet marketing, surveys, affiliates, telecommuting, eBay, service and product websites; are all unique opportunities available to help you create an online business. Can you make money online? The answer is an unqualified yes.

Internet marketing, which is probably the most popular method to make a living today; while difficult, is nonetheless a lucrative endeavor. You may have seen ads promoting services or products by internet marketers who boast earnings well into the millions. Affiliate marketing is another area in which you can derive commissions by linking to other sites within your same niche. Surveys offer you a chance to earn extra income, albeit, not enough to supplement an income but certainly offers you an opportunity to accrue a bit of cash. eBay is another means by which you can make money online. Perhaps you have items in your home you wish to sell, or have collected baseball cards. There is definitely money to be made on eBay. They offer tutorials and guides to assist you in every facet of selling online.

Telecommuting is becoming more and more popular especially for work at home moms and retirees. While companies are looking to decrease their expenditures, more and more of them are specifically targeting positions for work at home jobs in areas such as: data entry, typing, transcription services, customer service, virtual assistants, administrative, secretarial and many other service oriented positions. For example: A medical transcription worker is in high demand due to the aging population. Employers offer the tools and the certification needed to perform these tasks. In addition, there is plenty of work at home sites for moms, wherein they could find jobs posted daily by the site owners. There are websites offering tutorials on start-up businesses; and message boards.

Search any of the work at home online websites and you will be bombarded with links to everything from surveys; product sales; auction sites; and software tools guaranteeing monetary success. You need to research the area you are most interested in, and determine the legitimacy of the websites in question, then proceed from there. Stay away from sites who ask for a fee. You should not have to pay a penny to apply for any position. Visit forums specific to your niche. Connect with the many experts available who can offer their assistance in areas such as: marketing, joint ventures, affiliates, search engine optimization, and all of necessary tools you will need for a start-up business. If you are a writer, offer your services to others on the forums, blogs, or article sites. Content for websites is in high demand.

If you are proficient in internet technology and have a product or service website, you can certainly achieve success in this field. Or, if your specialty is graphic arts or website construction, you can offer your services online as well. Begin with researching the various legitimate sites available. Bookmark those sites which interest you, and revisit them later. While there are no guarantees, you will certainly make the necessary connections which will eventually yield results. You can make money online; it takes time, determination, and the ability to stay focused on the prize


Building Adsense Websites

remains as one of the most reliable and efficient ways to earn cash online. It also offers a solid method of using advertisements to earn money. Since most of the technical work is done by the company, website owners simply have to strategize carefully in order to make their sites compatible with high-paying Google ads. But since much of the control over which ads are placed on your website is out of your hands, can you truly build an Adsense-ready website? We look at the ways you can make this possible:

Build A Site With Adsense In Mind.

In a vast marketplace called the Internet, there are some happy accidents. A few blessed site owners were just happily typing along, providing great content in their industry-specific sites and lo and behold, Google Adsense came a-calling. Not only that, Google liked their sites so much it even placed high-value ads just to show its appreciation.

But like we said, these are happy accidents and if you rely on them, you have a 50-50 chance of succeeding. If you truly want to build an Adsense website, you have to make sure your efforts don't go unnoticed.

To build a site designed for Adsense, follow these steps:

Focus On Providing Content.

Not just plain content but good, high-quality content. The kind that people will want to read, the kind that attracts other sites. The key considerations here are relevancy and value. Google Adsense is notorious for being picky about the websites it places ads with.

Putting up a website with some content will not cut it. Your site has to offer consistently great content. So polish up your copywriting skills, research your articles, post useful write-ups or if you haven't got the time to do it, hire someone to provide content for your website.

Also, if you want to build an Adsense website, don't build a directory site. Google Adsense ads are rarely placed here.

Be In Good Company.

Google places value on the types of links your website has. The better the links are, the higher your website's value. Think of it as getting the thumbs up sign from recognizable and respected people in your industry. This, in spite of the fact that you yourself are not as famous as they are. Once Google reviews your website for Adsense, they will find excellent links and let you run quality Adsense ads.

Put Value In The Structure Of Your Website.

Other than content and links, a Google Adsense website is a well-constructed piece of work. If your pages often hold up a sign that says, 'Under Construction', Google won't bother with you. Try to eliminate or at least minimize any broken links and build a website that is well-designed and easy to navigate. A website that is easy to use is also attractive to visitors, who will otherwise leave in a huff if your website proves to be difficult and unfriendly.

Work With Keywords That Make More Money.

Some keywords cost just 5 cents while others can cost from $10 to $20 per click. These are the keywords you should go for. Imagine having 1,000 visitors clicking on a 5-cent ad versus 500 clicking on a $20 ad and you have an idea of the value of using the right keywords and phrases on your site.

Follow Google Adsense Policies.

Google has restrictions on certain issues, including sexual content, lewd language and materials that are unreliable. Check out their policies to find out within what boundaries you'll have to work. If you don't meet certain criteria, all your hard work will be ignored.

Optimize Your Website.

The more relevant you are to a certain topic or industry, the higher your chances of getting noticed. To build an Adsense website, focus on producing content and building links that increase the relevancy of your site. This helps place you in high rankings for search engine results. Produce content that will get you noticed and try to keep your offerings original. Original content has a better chance of getting good reviews than re-published ones.

Draw In Targeted Traffic.

If your site is all about football and you want to increase your relevancy for Google Adsense ads, your best bet is to attract traffic that likes football. They are more likely to click on your ads than people who aren't interested in your topic. Getting targeted traffic will help raise your revenues and help you earn more from your Adsense website
By:: FreeArticles.com Free Articles Directory.

Save Money With Energy Saving Tips

Let’s face it: No matter how you budget your finances wisely, things will go out of hand in spite of everything that you have done. There will always be bills to pay and electric bills that escalates high up to the sky.

So, the next best thing to do is to turn your home into an energy saving home so that you can cut-back the bills to as far as 50% from your current total consumption.

How to do that? Here are tips that will guide you in making your home an energy saving home.

1. Create your own energy.

One of the best ways in creating an energy saving home is to produce your own energy. This is, in particular, one of the most lucrative alternatives to hefty electric bills.

One way to make an energy saving home is to use the renewable energy. This means that you will utilize more and maximize the capabilities of unlimited sources of energy like the sea, the sun, or the man-made energy-generating inventions.

These devices are very important especially in places wherein the climate is continuously changing.

2. Make use of the Solar PV.

This is one of the methods that will make your home an energy saving home.

Basically, Solar PV utilizes the energy that is coming from the sun in order to generate energy. The energy that will be produced is the one that will be used to operate different domestic devices and illuminations.

One good thing about Solar PV is that it does not make use of direct sunlight so as to produce energy. It is simply operational during day time.

With Solar PV, you can truly transform your house into an energy saving home. All you have to do is to purchase PV systems and attach them to your wall or roof that is looking towards the south, within the 90 degrees range, provided that there will be no tangible things that will take the limelight out of your house.

3. Use the natural heater.

If you want to turn your home into an energy saving home, it is best that you employ the services of a solar water heating system. This system uses the high temperature coming from the sun and transforms it into your water heater.

Solar water heating system has solar panels that are placed on your roof so as to collect heat coming from the sun’s rays. With this system, it naturally heats the water in your water storage system and eventually keeps the heat intact so that you can still use it on the later part of the day.

With Solar water heating system, you can be sure that your home will soon be an energy saving home minus the hefty electric bills.

4. Make a wind mill.

As a part of the energy saving home, small scale winds are also created in order to generate energy coming from the speed of the wind that operates the blades. These blades, in turn, will be the one that will generate electricity for your home.

However, because its energy is fully dependent on the speed of the wind, it is advisable that you place your small scale wind at the highest place in your area.

Nevertheless, using small scale wind can still lessen your electricity consumption and will definitely turn your home into an energy saving home.

5. Insulate your walls.

In order to make an energy saving home, it is best that you do cavity wall insulation. This refers to the insulation system that is placed in between your cavity walls or between the internal and external sheets of bricks that makes up the exterior part of your house.

For most places that have colder temperature, having a cavity wall insulation will definitely make an energy saving home by merely using it. It suspends the release of confined warm air and insulates the wall so as to impede “heat loss.”

With the cavity wall insulation, you will no longer make use of your heater, and so, you can save more money by cutting back your electric consumption.

6. Go for that glazed-window.

An energy saving home is one that has glazed-type windows. This means that the windows are layered with a certain protective coating and curbs any possible heat loss.

In this manner, the heat that enters your room or your house, for that matter, will not be lost instantly. And so, with enough heat to warm you through, you no longer have a use for a heater. Simply out, no heater means eliminated high electricity bills.

So, now that you know how to convert your home into an energy saving home, the next thing you have to do is to budget your other finances wisely. It doesn’t necessarily mean that with an energy saving home, you’ll be confident enough that there will be no high bills to pay and that you indulge into a shopping spree.

Having an energy saving home means there’s a solution to your financial problem but not as a means for a bigger financial problem

Reference:: http://www.MyHomeEnergySavings.com .

الأحد، ٢٢ أغسطس ٢٠١٠

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My Graduation project

Part 22

Project programs

My Graduation project

Part 21

Layout and city pictures

My Graduation project

Part 20

Project introduction

Part  19

Project  Presentation

My Graduation project

Part  18

Transformer selection

My Graduation project

Part 17

Distribution Boards

My Graduation project

Part 16 

Out door lighting system

My Graduation project

Part 15

Kitchen Design

My Graduation project

Part 14

Lift system

My Graduation project

Part 13

Air condition system

My Graduation project

Part 12

power loads design

My Graduation project

Part  11

Socket design

My Graduation project

Part  10


My Graduation project

Part 9


My Graduation project

Part 8

Light current system

My Graduation project

Part 7

Earthing system

My Graduation project

Part  6

Cables selection

My Graduation project

Part 5

Ring main unit

My Graduation project

Part 4

Emergency system

My Graduation project

Part 3

Power factor correction

My Graduation project

Part 2

Lighting design

My Graduation project

Part 1

Autocad and project layout

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